Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 539: where have I been (or) I'm so not 29 anymore

Wow what an interesting 10 months this has been. Maybe I'll break it down little chunks at a time. Either way I am now armed with my very own blogger app and a desire to be decidedly less ambivalent toward this undertaking. I will say this: I have read books, listened to killer tunes, hopefully written some killer tunes, played some bad shows--but they were shows, loved my wife, love my kids which incidentally includes the new little appleseed, saw some killer shows, made some great friends, and even saw some amazing movies too! Through it all God has shown himself to be alive and active, if complex and oft confounding, each step of the way.

Man it feels nice outside!

Driving music:


  1. Nice and pleasant life you've described to us! It's a decisive moment of having movement in your life - it defines you life-ability))
